Phishing Resources

What is Phishing?

Phishing, according to the NIST Computer Security Resource Center, is a technique for attempting to acquire sensitive data by using authentic looking, but bogus emails to request information from users or direct them to a fake website that requests information. 

Responding to phishing scams (by entering information, clicking links, or downloading files) can lead to malware infections, data theft, and security breaches. These scams can appear in many forms, including emails, fake websites, pop-ups, ads, social media messages, and even fake tech support calls. 

Take a look at this informational video:

How to Detect Phishing Emails

Difference Between Phishing and Spam

Phishing at SJNY

Here is an example of a real phishing email received by employees and students at SJNY:

Screenshot of a real phishing email. The sender address looks suspicious and it contains a deceptive message prompting the recipient to click on a link to get information about jobs.

What To Do if You Suspect a Phishing Email